November 29, 2007
Sweet potato picking!
Seiritsu students working the school farm beside our training ground in Washinomiya.
On Monday October 29th classes 1A and 1C went to a sweet potato field for an excursion. The field was across the road from our training facilities which was great because that’s only 15 minutes away from my house.
Some girls showing off their bounty.
The weather set the tone of how the day was going to turn out. For the last few days leading up to the excursion the weather was terrible, non stop rain. But guess what, the weather was incredible, blue skies and not a cloud in sight as we picked lots of potatos.
A Japanese grasshopper, called a 'batta'.
Jason with the fruits, um, vegetables of his labour...!
My favorite part of the day was when my friend and I made a bet to see who could find the largest sweet potato. We both found quite big ones, but they both seemed to be the same size. Although deep down I think that his one was bigger, please don’t tell him, hahaha. In the end I persuaded one of our friends to say that they seemed the same size hence it was a draw. All and all the day was great fun.
Jason Davidson