February 23, 2008

Tights are not allowed!

A Seiritsu player makes a dash for it...!

Hi everyone, posting my monthly report on how life in Japan is going. It��s middle of winter and its freezing. Coming from down under, this is the first time I have ever experienced a cold winter like this. In Australia during winter all the sports players wear tights even though it��s only 10 degrees. Although here in Japan its 0 degrees and even lower, no one wears tights and so I decided to ask around to see if we were allowed to wear them. I received the same answer from both my coaches and teammates. That was not wearing tights makes us mentally stronger, that tights don��t look appropriate with our uniforms and that they are unnecessary because it��s not even that cold.

Our coaches really believe that not wearing tights during winter will make us mentally stronger, therefore making us better players. This theory I think is a little too harsh because it freezing!!! But as many foreigners that have lived in Japan will tell you, ��rules are rules and they don��t change them for no one��.

The coaches also said no because they thought that wearing our own tights with the team uniform didn��t look appropriate. It all comes down to opinions and the coach��s opinions are the ones that count. I personally think they look quite good with our uniforms.
After asking the coaches a number of times, they still told us that we weren��t allowed to wear tights. Again, they gave us reasons for why they said no and even said that tights were unnecessary because it wasn��t even cold enough to use them. Not cold??? It��s minus 0 degrees!!!

All in all I must say, after training almost for half a winter without tights I do believe that without the tights all of the players have become a lot more mentally stronger, including me.

Jason Davidson