September 9, 2008
Jason's Summer '08
The fireworks from Jason's eyes.
Hi everyone, it’s my first day back at school and it feels a little weird to tell you the truth.I have been on summer holidays for almost two months and what a great time I have had. I have experienced two summers already in Japan and this year’s summer vacation would be the most enjoyable, eye opening and enjoyable out of the three.
This year’s summer vacation would be by far the most enjoyable, because this year I am a 2nd year student which means that I have much more time than last year when I was a 1st year student. This year I think the biggest difference was that I was having more fun than my previous two years because I went with my friends to the local park and lit fireworks for the first time in my life. In Australia I had never experienced the joy of fireworks because they are illegal whereas in Japan fireworks are legal.
This summer is my third one in Japan. It has been very different in many ways to my previous summers. I think because my Japanese has improved I have been able to communicate with Japanese people better which has led me to going out more and experience Japan life differently.
After seeing some of the most beautiful things in Japan during my summer holidays, I can really say that summer has really opened my eyes to how beautiful Japan really is. The most amazing thing I saw would have had to been Mt Fuji when I went to a soccer game in Shizouka, where Mt Fuji is located. I can still remember the day like it was yesterday. It was the first time I had seen it on a clear blue sky and it didn’t disappoint. Most of my time in Japan has really just been around Tokyo, so it was really good to witness some of Japan’s beauties.
All in all I had a great summer not just on the field playing soccer but off the field with my friends. This summer I even got a nice tan even though the weather during training was stinking hot, I can’t complain. We Australians love getting a nice dark tan during summer, so I was glad that I could keep that tradition going this summer in Japan.