December 19, 2008
Last day of school so eat up!
As today was the last day of school before the winter break, the International Department had our year-end lunch with the school Director, Mr. Yohei Fukuda, and the Vice-Principal, Mr. Tadao Kurihara. While we enjoyed an amazing lunch by the school chef Mr. Akakura (calling him just a cook would be too impolite) our conversation centered around how all the international students were adjusting to Japan.
In terms of conversing with Japanese students, the students had some troubles at first communicating since their Japanese is limited, especially the 3 EF boys who arrived in September, but all were getting better. Dylan said he feels in the last few weeks he is finally able to one of the boys and the soccer coaches are treating him less like a guest, probably due to his language skills having improved.
In terms of food, all the boys seem to like any type of noodle, be it ramen, soba or udon. Some students like sushi and sashimi while others don't like raw food. Wessel says he doesn't like 'pig nerves', probably refering to 'horumon-yaki', or broiled pig innards (which is not something Japanese people have everyday and I personally find delicious due to its marinated, barbeque taste).
As we prepare for the new year, when at least 3 more new students will be joining the school, Mr. Fukuda asked the boys where they would like to visit in Japan. It seems everyone would like to get to another part of Japan during their stay here, so I will be arranging a short trip probably around May.
Good food and pleasant discussion always seems to go by too fast, as soon we were finishing our coffee or tea with even little cakes and sweets supplied by Akakura-san, and then the boys were off, Ryosuke and Dylan to their soccer practice and the EF boys to enjoy their winter break.