June 11, 2009

A student post: What I can take away from my experience

Last Week at Seiritsu: What I can take away.

Well, for the EF trio (Poom excepted) it��s our last week here at Seiritsu.
It has definitely been an experience, not just going to Seiritsu and the various classes and our hodgepodge group of students, but also basing life around a high school schedule. It can be difficult, but it did keep us busy, working, and fully functional- Hey, we wanted to live a year as a Japanese High School student, and you know what? We did.

What I think I��ll take away the most from this experience is studying habits. It involves rigorous, non-stop studying, without letting my mind tell me that I��m tired. That��s pretty much the Japanese ��way��. Other than that, I think I can take away things like Japanese hospitality. Their openness was a shock to me, and I never expected anything of the sort when I first arrived here, nor did I know how to respond to it; but now I do, and when I go back home, I will have new social skills to work with.

Well, I��m hoping for a great last week, saying bye to everyone, and flying off on a happy-high.
Thanks to all my readers, I hope you enjoyed my blog posts!


- David Alexander

about Seiritsu

Seiritsu Gakuen is a private co-educational high school created in 1925 and it is located in Tokyo, Japan.

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