August 1, 2010

Japan Experience! 2010 Day 3

We awoke to a slightly cooler morning, and again found breakfast already prepared by the friendly inn staff. Sweet omelettes, perfectly grilled salmon, rice, miso soup, pickles and juice all in copious amounts were soon devoured.

Then many pictures and signings in the guest book happened in a blur before the inn staff whisked us to the Keisei Narita train station and said good-bye.

From there we rode two trains into Tokyo central. The scenery was slowly changing from rice paddies and small villages to progressively more and more suburban buildings until finally we arrived, smack dab in the world��s biggest city!

Getting off at Okachimachi station in the old part of Tokyo, Mrs. Hanai and her university-aged son Hide met up with us to then guide us to the exquisitely elegant Suzunoya Kimono Shop. Several staff led by Narihara-san wrapped up our international student travelers in some unbelievable beautiful kimono, transforming the girls into delicate summer flowers, and the boys into impressive men oozing with aristocratic charm.

After many good-byes, we darted across the street to the upscale Matsuzakaya Department store��s 7th floor for a quick lunch where students could choose from spaghetti, cold noodles, hot noodles or a mix of Chinese noodle and seafood dishes.

From there we finally made it to the school by taking two trains for a short 20 minute ride. After a brief tour of the school and some time for the students to check their emails, the home stay families arrived at 3pm and we had our opening ceremony with the school��s Director, Mr. Fukuda, and the International Department Director Mr. Sono. Once quick introductions were done - each student did a fine job introducing themselves in Japanese! (we did a little practicing in the morning), we went over details of how to get to the school each day (home stays will all go with them tomorrow and come get them), and then it was time for the students to be on their way, off to their home stay��s homes and new adventures in Japan!