September 30, 2010
Richie at bunkasai!
For this year's bunkasai, we worked very hard and it was worth it. My classmates turned our homeroom into a candy shop and we were selling handmade candies all day. I helped by designing the T-Shirt for my class with other girls. Luckily it ended up looking great. Everyone was happy about it. All of the exchange students also helped prepare International room and take part with the English conversation club as well.
The first day of bunkasai, everyone in my class was excited. But it was raining really hard, so not many people came to visit our school. Our English conversation club made a fortune telling station and the exchange students put up a poster gallery. We took turns doing the fortune telling. Most of the fortunes are good but some are also bad or funny. We used a bingo wheel and depending on the number the costumer gets we draw a fortune from a box. I did it from 10 am to 11 am on both days of bunkasai. Since I had nothing to do on the first day, I helped out the English conversation club for the whole day, and we also did an interview on the stage.
The second day was a surprise, since it was sunny, dry, and all around great weather. We didn’t get a chance to do the speech on the stage because there wasn’t enough time. But the second day I helped my class sell candies. Then at 1:20 all the international students went to help carry the Omikoshi, a portable shrine, around the school. It was a super busy weekend but great fun!