On June 4th, I participated in the Seiritsu sports day for the first time. The practice day reminded me of how strong the sunrays are in Tokyo. As I didn't bother to put sun screen on, I got sun burned on the back of my neck, ears, and an obvious difference in color on my legs (which hasn't disappeared yet!). This time I put on as much sunscreen as I could, so I wouldn't end up with sunburn again.
We were divided into different teams that were represented by several different colors. Each class had its own t-shirt that the students designed. The class I'm in is 2I. Our shirt was purple with a カビゴン (Snorlax in Pokemon) on it that represented our homeroom teacher 岩崎先生(Iwasaki Sensei). I thought it was very cute.
There were different races that every single student signed up for a few. Everyone participated in the 華のステージ (Flower Stage) where we all squished onto one stage, and the class that holds for the longest would win. We didn't have any luck to win that one, but in the next race, our team won with ease. It was called the コンバット (combat). That was the race that needed good team work, so I felt very happy that we won.
Afterwards, me and my friends Saki and Meika participated in the three legged race, then I joined Suzune, Kasumi people for the ムカデ (Mukade) race.
Overall, purple won first place. Although it was burning hot, I had fun times with my classmates.