January 20, 2016
Emilie's Winter Blog post
To start off with my winter break I got really sick, but other then that my
winter break was very fun. I went to Roppongi with my friend on Christmas. I've
really wanted to go for a long time so I'm really glad that I went.
I also went to Shinokubo. It's basically like Korean town. Me and my friend
wanted to go to Shinokubo for a while now so we went. Shinokubo had lots of
K-PPP stops, as well as Korean beauty stores and restaurant.
Also I went to an onsen with two of my friends, Mel and Meg. It was long
drive. It took us about 2 to half an hour to get to the place. It's called
Hakone, Hakone is known for onsen and hamaboko.
There was a lot of types of onsen the one we went was only us by the forest.
It was very refreshing and relaxing.
These are the pictures.
We only stayed there for a little bit because the next day school starts...
But other than those three days, I just stayed at home in my bed!!! Lol!