January 30, 2017
Gab's Holiday Blog
Hey guys long time no speak (hisashiburi)
I've just came back from Australia (from a little bit of a holiday).
During my time in Australia I spent a lot of my time going to the gym. As well I spent a lot of time with family and friends which was nice as I hadn’t seen some of them for a year.
Since coming back I’ve been able to get straight into training. Since I have comeback into pre-season the training load has been extreme as well - with even harder running and training drills. We have the legendary Yon-ma where we do 4 laps around the soccer pitch and the baseball pitch (around about 3.5 kilometres) in under 10 minutes. As well, sometimes we would do 10 laps in under 30 minutes. We did at least 1 of them everyday which was really tough but needed. Besides training we’ve had a couple of practice games which is always good. As well, it was nice to see the boys and the coaches again. Since the last time I’ve been in Japan the weather was quite nice with mid 25 degree weather, where now its almost -1 degrees everyday which was quite a shock to my system coming from 40 degree weather in Australia.
I look forward to the future and can’t wait to start the season.
That's all for now Gabriel Beck-Godoy (Gabu)