September 26, 2017
JET Laurence's September 2017 Blog post!
Laurence here!
Finally, summer is coming to an end! Summer is very humid in Tokyo and it’s always been very hard for me, so I am looking forward to cooler weather.
This month was, of course, our Culture festival (also called School Festival). This year, we served tea again in the Extensive Reading room. I think foreign teas are a nice way to try something new, especially since it was free.
The English Conversation Club members and the International Department staff worked very hard to prepare for the festival. Here is Rebecca and I working on the poster for our room.
I’m very happy with the final result!
This year, the extensive reading room was open to everyone. Our shelves have never looked better. Some people really enjoyed relaxing on the mats while reading some books!
Most of the rooms looked amazing! It’s really incredible how much the students can do in a few days when they put their heart into it. I’m very proud of them.
See you next month!