Here at Seiristu, we have been encouraging international exchanges for a long time. Not only do we have several exchange students studying with us throughout the year every year, we also send groups of students abroad for school trips and homestay programs.
In recent years we have also been increasing students' interest in studying abroad. A number of our students have gone on to study abroad in university. And a few years ago, two students went off and studied for a year in New Zealand.
For this school year we have also been able to help send one student (Shobu) to America for 1 year and also 7 students off to various countries for three months. These seven students (plus Shobu) are all currently overseas. They are sending us monthly reports and short emails to let us know how their experiences are progressing. It is really exciting to get their reports.
We wanted to share a few quotes here. In coming weeks we will post longer messages from each student. And in April or May we will be getting full scale reports from those students on their experiences and we will probably be posting each one here. For now, here are a few comments (in Japanese and also English) by the students abroad:
「留学して約1ヶ月経ってホストファミリーもすごく優しくて学校の友達もみんな優しいです!すごく楽しんでます!」(My host family, and school friends are all really nice and I am having a great time!)
「アメリカでの生活はとても楽しいです。ホストファミリーも優しいし、学校も楽しいし、本当に帰りたくありません」(Life in America is exciting. My host family is kind, and my school is a lot of fun. I really don't want to return to Japan.)
「最初来た時はものすごく帰りたくて大変でした。でも今はこっちの環境に慣れてきて楽しいです。」(When I first arrived, I really wanted to return home. But now I have adjusted and I am enjoying myself.)
As you can see, they are enjoying their time abroad. It isn't all easy or fun but they will have experiences that will help them grow and and memories that they can keep forever.