July 6, 2018
Teresa July blog - handling the heat!
“I’m hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!,” shouts the heat and humidity. “Oh no….,” I say while crying...
If you didn’t get the message, summer is here and it’s loud. As I type, I am in a puddle and some fish are happily swimming around me. How do I get out of this situation? How do I become a human again, instead of a puddle? Those are questions I Googled in hopes that someone has an escape route ready for me to take.
Here’s what I learned so far to avoid getting too hot and sweaty:
1) Wear silky shirts because you are fancy, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Go to Uniqlo and GU to buy them. They have great prices.
2) Sleep with a fan. Instead of using AC, which is expensive. It will help withthose sweaty nights.
3) Be like you’re a cactus. You are losing water from your body every minute of the day without realizing it. Drinking water can help you balance body temperature, get beautiful skin, is also good for a healthy stomach.
How are you surviving the summer?