October 26, 2019

Faith: the long awaited sequel

Hello again! Life here in Japan has remained as hectic as ever. While everyday continues to be a new adventure, I have definitely settled into the Japanese high school life. Traveling via trains has become a daily norm as well as stopping by a conbini to pick up lunch. I've been all over Tokyo with my friends here at Seiritsu which has been one of the best parts of my trip. One of my favorite memories of this past month was Halloween night in Shibuya. Our group of exchange students were able to go through Shibuya crossing on Halloween and it was absolutely insane. The streets were packed with people and you could barely move. It was definitely a tough time getting out and back home but it was honestly one of the best nights of my life. I also got a chance to visit the cafe of one of my favorite artists, Takashi Murakami. All of the food and decor was based on his art. Themed cafes in Japan are some of my favorite places to visit. All the different subcultures are so fun to explore and learn about through such cafes.

It seems the fun might never end. I continue to look forward to remainder of my time here in Japan and can't wait to have many more amazing adventures!

October 25, 2019

Todd continues to improve his condition

Over the summer holidays we trained really hard every day, despite the heat and humidity. We had a tournament West near Mt. Fuji which was a great experience and everyone played really well.
I am starting to feel a lot fitter and it's really good to be back playing regular football every day. I am now starting to work harder than I ever have and am aiming high for the next few months leading into winter.
My run time has gone down from 14mins 30seconds to an average of 11mins. I still need to cut around 20 seconds off to get in the cut off time of 10mins 40seconds.
I am in the bottom team unfortunately but I am working my hardest to get fitter and better and start moving up the teams and improve.
I had 2 weeks where I went home to Australia as well to see my Mum and family. It was also the period of my 18th birthday which worked out well.

I'm looking forward to the next few months here at Seiritsu with soccer.

October 23, 2019

Tan's school life

I would like to talk about my school life. I joined the basketbnall team, and I now have many friends on the team. Playing basketball always makes me motivated and I enjoy practicing and playing every day. It is the center of my school life here at Seiritsu. It may be boring to other people, but it was keeps me happy everyday, because I like it so much.

October 22, 2019

Hernan settles in

This is Hernan again with an update on being in Japan. I am getting used to life here and believe that my Japanese has been steadily getting better. As I settle into my routine, everything feels more natural. I went to Yokohama recently and saw the Chinatown there- the food was delicious!

October 21, 2019

Another first! (American University Meeting)

Another first!

We held our first explanation meeting for studying abroad at American universities last Friday.

Read about it on our school's main website. It is in English and Japanese.


October 20, 2019

Ethan goes to Yokohama

It's been a month and a half in Japan and I've been having one of the best times of my life. However, the commute to school and the 20,000 steps a day might have been taking a toll on my feet, it's worth it. Everyday is a new adventure whether that is sitting in a Starbucks looking over the famous Shibuya scramble or shopping in the side streets of Harajuku. No day is a restless day in Tokyo.
I have found some of my favorite moments to be some of the simplest ones. These moments often were sitting in a quiet cafe corner with a friend or exploring a grocery store enjoying all the flavors that Japan provides. Even though I have almost 14 million neighbors, I still manage to always find a peaceful side street or park bench.
Mostly notably, my school festival has definitely been the biggest highlight so far. Which was nothing like I have experienced back in America. The entire school (excluding the third years who were studying for college exams) stopped class for almost a week prior just to prepare for the festival. My class and I worked from 8:20am to as late as 8pm somedays just to be able to make the best possible festival for friends, family, and guests. The result was a spectacular two day festival with plenty of sweet and savory food stands, rides, mazes, and various exhibits showing off the sports and arts clubs at Seiritsu. Overall I am having an amazing time, even though I always go to bed exhausted, it's worth every second.

October 19, 2019

South African TV crew

Hello everyone!

As we often say, the international department at Seiritsu Gakuen is involved in a lot of stuff. This week we had a TV crew in from South Africa. They are here covering the World Cup but they're also filming some other programs while they are here. One of the things they wanted to do was film some karate (with one of my Sempai who is from South Africa). I was asked to assist and we were able to use one of the Dojo at the school.

Next year with the Olympics I'm sure there will be more chances like this.

October 19, 2019

Eric settles in

Japanese life is so interesting. In my city I am enjoying everything. I can play tennis and eat delicious food and to study to gain a lot of knowledge. Everyday is busy for me,and these things give me a full life and I feel good every day. Of course,sometimes I stay up late to read books although people say it makes your hair fall out.

October 18, 2019

Mona's impressions of the last few weeks.

The last month and a half in Japan has been wonderful. So many things has happened. In only the last couple of weeks, I've been to a festival at my local Shinto shrine, Disney Sea, and Kamakura. The highlight of my time here though was definitely the school festival.

The week leading up to the festival, classes were cancelled on the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday so everyone had time to decorate the classrooms. For the festival, my homeroom created a Mario themed game. It was really fun! We had a maze and games such a bowling and whack the mole. The food was also pretty good. The second year classes, instead of creating games handled the food booths. They sold items such as churros, ice cream floats, and fried chicken.

Overall, Japan has been amazing. I've made so many great memories with my friends!

October 15, 2019

Ban loves Japanese food!

I have tried a lot of Japanese food in more than two years in Japan, such as syapusyapu, sushi, ramen... But my favorite is barbecue. In China, we usually don't use sauce when eating barbecue, but in Japan, I tried Japanese sauce, which is delicious. Basically I go to the barbecue once a week, sometimes alone and sometimes with my friends. I think eating barbecue is a good way to have fun. We can chat with friends and communicate with each other. When we are alone, it is also a kind of relaxation.


October 4, 2019

Teresa rides out the storm

As you may have seen in the news, Typhoon Hagibus (Typhoon no. 19) hit Japan on Saturday, October 16th, right in the middle of a 3-day weekend.

This caused many delays, but for the safety of the people, it was necessary to shut down the entire train system in preparation for the huge storm.

Speaking of preparation for the storm, people went out in hordes to stock up their pantry. Non-perishable items like ramen quickly sold out. Of course, the more expensive items were left behind.

As the storm started to arrive, so did the grey skies. It was hard to brighten up the scene even if there was a neon pink house right in front of your eyes.

The aftermath of the storm was disheartening. Some areas were flooded and some areas were safe. Luckily, the worst my neighborhood faced was a slightly sloppier rice paddy.

Japan is still clearing out the mess the typhoon brought on. Let's hope the sky remains clear and support the clean-up however you can.

October 2, 2019

Scarlett's fun September

September was a great month for me because it was my birthday.

I went to Nagano prefecture and visited Karauizawa. I visited Shiraito falls, stayed at an onsen and ate soba at a restaurant that is on Terrace House.

Birthdays feel a lot different when you get older so I think it is important to make the most out of your birthday and try something new. You could visit a new prefecture, start a new hobby or even just try out different food.

What new things will you experience on your birthday?



about Seiritsu

Seiritsu Gakuen is a private co-educational high school created in 1925 and it is located in Tokyo, Japan.

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