December 7, 2012

Seiritsu English Conversation Club's Christmas Party!

Chase here;

On Monday December 3rd we had a Christmas party with the members of the English club. We had lots of fun! I changed costumes several times with all the Christmas hats and fake Santa beards we had.

We played several games like a m&m; eating races with chopsticks, and pictionary [Peter - Pictionary is a game where you draw clues to a word on the board, while not being allowed to say anything. the other members of your team must guess what the word is before a minute runs out!].

One of the games I enjoyed the most was "pinning the nose on Rudolph". A picture of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer (without the nose) is drawn on the magnetic white board. One person puts on a blindfold and is given a red magnet [The nose - Peter], then is spun around three times and must find the picture of Rudolph and put the nose on it. It was really fun telling people where to go while they couldn��t see.

At the end of the party we had a gift exchange where we all had gifts which we had bought before hand and had wrapped up, then while playing music we passed the gifts around until the music stopped. Whatever present you had after the music stopped was then your new present!

about Seiritsu

Seiritsu Gakuen is a private co-educational high school created in 1925 and it is located in Tokyo, Japan.

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