February 20, 2019
Teresa's very first ski trip
When I was in the States, I never got the chance to go skiing or snowboarding like I knew people did in my
high school because they would always leave their ski passes on their jackets. I always wanted to know
what it felt like to slide down a mountain at a speed my body is totally uncomfortable with.
I finally got that chance this year. A good friend of mine organized an event for over 200 people. You read that right! Three hotels were completely booked out and shops all around the area were well aware of the sudden surge in population.
Needless to say, I was terrified; however, I was going something new and like doing something new. It's better when I do it scared too. I want to challenge myself to do something new and nerve wracking at least once a month. More than that and I think I'll be pushing it!
What are things that scare you but will do anyway?