June 21, 2018

"Open school" - Summer 2018

Hello everyone!

Many people who follow this blog have been with Seiritsu in some form or another for a while. But some of you have not had a chance to come visit around the school.

We will be having some open schools in July. There is a day for trying out the club activities on Saturday, July 28th. Students can come out and try the clubs they might be interested in. This means they can have a good idea of how they are.

On Sunday, July 29th we will have our open school for junior high classes. Brent will be leading a few English classes with a special focus on Extensive reading. Our school continues to add different forms of student-centered learning and active learning.

If you have a chance, we encourage you to come attend the open classes and open school. Come see how the important idea of �����ʤ����� (mienai gakuryoku) is being developed.

Hope to see you there!

The links for the Japanese information and signing up are here:
7/28 Club: [ https://mirai-compass.net/usr/event/evtDetail.jsf?cid=2&vmodelName;=evtIndexVModel ]
7/29 Junior High: [ https://mirai-compass.net/usr/seiritzj/event/evtIndex.jsf ]



about Seiritsu

Seiritsu Gakuen is a private co-educational high school created in 1925 and it is located in Tokyo, Japan.

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